Laird Brothers to Captain Inglefield, H. M. S. Majestic.

Sir: We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 28th instant, requesting us to render you assistance in preparing the El Monnassir for removal from our graving dock, and, further, to grant the loan of an anchor and cable, which are essential to enable you to moor the vessel with safety in the Sloyne.

We have every desire to render you, personally, any assistance in our power in carrying out the illegal and unpleasant duty imposed upon you, but having given the matter very serious consideration, and regarding the responsibility we are under to the owners of those vessels, we greatly regret that we cannot, in justice either to them or to ourselves, do anything to relieve her Majesty’s government from the responsibility they are under to us and to the owners in attempting to remove from our graving dock into the Mersey a vessel in the helpless condition of the El Monnassir.

You are aware that in order to remove the El Monnassir it will be necessary to remove the caisson. This is an operation requiring some skill, and, in order to prevent injury to the caisson, we shall instruct our foreman to remove it on the day when you intend to remove our vessel.

We renew our protest to you at the illegal and extraordinary conduct of the government in this matter.

We are, sir, your obedient servants,


Captain Inglefield, R. N., H. M. S. Majestic.