Laird Brothers to Captain Inglejield, R. N., H. M. S. Majestic.
Sir: Understanding from you that you have received instructions from her Majesty’s government to take such precautions as you may deem necessary to prevent the iron-clad El Monnassir (now being completed in our graving dock) from being forcibly taken away without our consent, and consequently nullifying the engagement which exists between us and her Majesty’s government in respect to this vessel, and as the vessel cannot be removed from our graving dock without lifting the caisson at the entrance, and thus affording free egress to the river, we hereby engage to give you reasonable notice of our intention to lift the caisson for the purposes of working our dock, so that you may take such steps as you may think necessary to protect our property against the attempt which her Majesty’s government apprehend.
We are, respectfully, sir, your obedient servants,
Capt. Inglefield, R. N.