No. 26.

Earl Russell to Lord Lyons.

My Lord: With reference to my despatch of the loth instant, I transmit to you herewith a copy of a further letter from Messrs. Sinclair, Hamilton & Co. [Page 304] respecting the coals taken by the United States steamer Vanderbilt from Penguin island, together with a copy of a letter which I have caused to be addressed to them in reply to their various letters on the case of the Saxon, of which copies have been sent to your lordship.*

I have submitted the letters from these gentlemen to the law officers of the crown, and in conformity with their opinion I have to repeat to your lordship that her Majesty’s government consider that the owners of the coals are entitled to fall compensation for the unlawful seizure of their property by the commander of the Vanderbilt; and further, that your lordship should address to Mr. Seward a direct remonstrance against the violent act of which that officer was guilty in seizing the coals.

I am, &c.,

  1. Nos 24 and 25.