No. 16.

Lord Lyons to Earl Russell.—(Received February 7.)

My Lord: In a despatch dated the 23d ultimo, Mr. Consul Archibald reported to your lordship the arrival at New York of the British bark Saxon in charge of a prize crew from the United States steamer Vanderbilt, and in a despatch dated the 5th instant Mr. Archibald forwarded to your lordship a copy of a deposition made before him by the second mate of the Saxon, from which it appears that the first mate, Mr. James Cray, had been fired at and killed by a Mr. Donohoe, one of the officers of the Vanderbilt.

On being informed that the Vanderbilt had arrived at New York, I thought it right to address a note to Mr. Seward, enclosing a copy of the deposition, and expressing my expectation that the government of the United States would immediately take measures to investigate this shocking occurrence, and to render prompt and effectual justice in the case. I have the honor to enclose a copy of the note.

I have, &c.,

[Enclosure in No. 16.]

Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward.

Sir: It is my painful duty to submit to you an extract from a despatch from her Majesty’s consul at New York, and an authenticated copy of a deposition, which will direct your attention to the circumstances under which Mr. James Gray, mate of the British bark Saxon, was killed by an officer of the United States ship Vanderbilt, named Donohoe, at Augra Pequena, somewhat more than two months ago.

I do not doubt that the government of the United States will immediately take measures to investigate this shocking occurrence, and to render prompt and effectual justice in the case.

I understand that the Vanderbilt arrived at New York the day before yesterday.

Begging you to be so good as to send the authenticated copy of the deposition back to me,

I have, &c.,