Papers relating to the seizure of the United States steamer Chesapeake.
A copy of extracts of correspondence with the government of Nova Scotia on the subject of the Chesapeake.
[285] Major General Doyle to the Duke of Newcastle.
Government House, Halifax, Nova
February 4, 1864.
[286] The Duke of Newcastle to Major General Doyle (and Lieutenant Governor Gordon.)
Downing Street,
February 22, 1864.
[287] Lieutenant Governor Gordon to the Duke of Newcastle.—(Received February 16, 1864.)
February 1, 1864.
[288] Lieutenant Governor Gordon to the Duke of Newcastle.—(Received March 1, 1864.)
Frederickton, New
February 15, 1864.
[289] Major General Doyle to the Duke of Newcastle.
Government House, Halifax, Nova
February 18, 1864.