Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.

No. 486.]

Sir: I have received the proceedings of a meeting which was recently held in the borough of the Tower Hamlets, and which unanimously expressed a very earnest and generous sympathy with the United States in their contest with a rebellion not more disloyal in its character than injurious to all human society in its principles. Those proceedings have been submitted to the President, in compliance with a request of the meeting, which was communicated to this department by Harper Twelvetrees, esq., of Eversly House, Bromley, Middlesex.

It is supposed that before this time you will have discovered some mode of communicating the President’s grateful responses to subjects of her Majesty who thus generously address him concerning our affairs, which mode, while it does justice to the sentiments of this government, is not disrespectful or displeasing to that of her Majesty. If this is the case, you will, in your discretion, make the proper acknowledgment to the meeting of the Tower Hamlets.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.