Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons.

My Lord: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your lordship’s note of the 30th ultimo in relation to the requirement of bonds under the act of [Page CXXIX] Congress in ports of the United States from persons shipping goods to ports in the Bahama islands.

The President sincerely regrets that her Majesty’s government still remains of the opinion that this course of proceeding, as it is explained in my former communications, contravenes the treaties between Great Britain and the United States. Her Majesty’s government having brought no new facts or arguments to bear upon the case, I can only confess, on the part of this government, an inability to surrender the convictions it has heretofore expressed, and, as it thinks conclusively maintained.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your lordship the assurance of my high consideration.


Right Hon. Lord Lyons, &c., &c, &c.