Mr. Adams to Mr.
No. 529.]
Legation of the United States,
November 4, 1863.
Sir: Despatches from the department, numbered
735, 736, and 737, have been received this week at this legation.
In obedience to the direction contained in No. 736 of the 17th of
October, I addressed a note to Lord Russell on the subject of the
intercepted contract, a copy of which was received with that despatch. A
copy of my note is herewith transmitted.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Mr. Adams to Earl Russell.
Legation of the United
November 3, 1863.
My Lord: I have great regret in being
obliged to lay before your lordship new proofs of the manner in
which the neutrality of her Majesty’s ports is abused by the
insurgents of the United States in order the more effectually to
procrastinate their resistance.
I have the honor to transmit the copy of a letter addressed to the
Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Navy of the United
States, dated the 13th day of October, together with a copy of a
contract entered into between certain parties and an agent of the
insurgents, the original being now in the possession of the
government, one of the objects designated in which is the
establishing in the port of St. Georges, in the island of Bermuda,
of a depot of naval stores for their use and benefit in the
prosecution of the war.
This proceeding, if carried into effect, would seem to be so entirely
in violation of the spirit, not less than the letter, of her
Majesty’s proclamation, that I am instructed to ask your attention
to the expediency of giving such instructions to the authorities in
Bermuda as would prevent its being made a place of deposit for the
purpose referred to.
I pray your lordship to accept the assurances of the highest
consideration with which I have the honor to be, my lord, your most
obedient servant,
Right Hon. Earl Russell,
&c., &c., &c.