Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.
Sir: There is not much in the events of the past week that calls for particular notice. Perhaps the most interesting to you will be the reports of speeches by public men, of more or less note, which commonly take place at this season of the year at popular gatherings or other assemblages, either casually occurring or made on purpose. The address of Lord Brougham at Edinburgh furnishes one more to many preceding examples of the eccentricities of that distinguished man. * * * * * * The speeches of Sir Roundell Palmer and Mr. Callier on their re-election to Parliament are of more consequence. Both of these officers substantially assume satisfactory positions in regard to the questions connected with the United States. * * * * The apprehension of every appearance of taking a side with the United States is one of the phenomena most frequently visible among British statesmen at this crisis.
Another speech is that of Lord de Gray which assumes importance from his position as secretary of war and a member of the cabinet. It is satisfactory as indicating a settled policy on the part of the government. * * * The speech of Mr. Henley may be construed as indicative of disinclination in the better class of the conservative party to disturb the ministers in their American policy.
On the other hand, efforts are sedulously making to organize a popular movement in behalf of the rebel cause. To this end Lord Wharncliffe, a young nobleman of the conservative party, has accepted the chief place in the association created with that object. Mr. Beresford Hope, Mr. Lindsay, and others, are laboring by particular addresses and in other ways to mature a policy of recognition for production at the next session of Parliament. Thus far it cannot be said that much disposition has been shown to take it up.
* * * * * * * * * *
On the whole, the prospect of quiet looks promising. But it depends so entirely on the course of events not merely in America, but also in the rest of Europe, that it is impossible to count on anything in the future with confidence. The military situation is always a touchstone of the most sensitive description. Of late, however, the very unequivocal preparations making in the north of Europe for a possible conflict in the spring have aroused a great deal of attention, and added to the indisposition to make needless demonstrations.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.