Mr. Stuart to Mr. Seward.

Sir: Lord Lyons had the honor to receive and to communicate to her Majesty’s government a note which you addressed to him on the 16th of June last, relative to the circumstances under which the steamer Margaret and Jessie was chased by the United States gunboat Rhode Island, and driven on shore on the coast of Eleuthera, on the 30th of May last. You stated in that note that the commander of the Rhode Island had reported to the United States consul at Nassau that he did not chase the Margaret and Jessie within British jurisdiction; and whilst expressing your belief in Captain Trenchard’s statement, you concluded by assuring Lord Lyons that if it should appear that any act of hostility or of power was committed within the marine jurisdiction of Great Britain, the act would be disavowed, and ample redress would be promptly given.

I have now the honor to inform you that the evidence which has since been laid before her Majesty’s government seems to put beyond all doubt the fact, that a very grave violation of international law and of the Queen’s territorial [Page 694] rights and jurisdiction was committed upon the occasion in question; and that I have, consequently, been instructed to press for immediate explanations from the United States government.

The fact, which appears certain, that the shot and shell of the United States war steamer repeatedly struck the shore and objects on the shore of her Majesty’s territory, makes it very difficult to understand how the captain of that vessel could have honestly reported “that he did not chase the Margaret and Jessie within British jurisdiction.”

Unless the captain of the war steamer can rebut this testimony, which does not appear possible, her Majesty’s government will, of course, expect that the redress which is usual in such cases of violation of territorial rights and jurisdiction will be promptly given by the United States government, as announced by you in your note above mentioned.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurance of my highest consideration.


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.