Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward.

Sir: With reference to my note of the 21st instant, and to your answer of the 24th instant, I have the honor to transmit to you a letter which I have received from a Mr. George Kilpatrick, and which appears to confirm the allegation that aliens are held by the federal officers at Louisville, in Kentucky, to be liable to perform military service.

I trust that you will deem it right to call the attention of the proper authority to the subject without delay, and to inform me of the result.

I have the honor to be, with the highest respect, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.

George Kilpatrick to Lord Lyons.

My Lord: I have been for the past four months residing in the United States and in the city of Louisville, State of Kentucky. This city is now under martial law, and, by a military order, all the “citizens” are ordered to enrol [Page 680] and drill, under penalty of incarceration in case of non-compliance. Offices were established at which “aliens” could procure certificates of exemption, one of which I obtained. A subsequent order revoked all such exemptions, and said that only the “following persons” should be entitled to exemption, among which class aliens are not included. I desire to know whether I am in any way liable for not complying with said order.

I have not been interfered with so far, but there are British subjects here who have applied for exemption papers and have been refused, and told them, as Great Britain does not afford them protection from the rebels, they are liable in connexion with citizens for the defence of the city and State.

If interfered with, what protestation is it advisable to make, and what course proper to pursue]

An early reply solicited. I have, &c,


Lord Lyons, G. C. B., &c., &c., &c.