Mr. Seward to hard Lyons.

My Lord: In reply to the letter of this department, which was accompanied by a copy of your communication of the 19th ultimo, relative to a violation of British territory by a party of United States soldiers, who crossed the frontier into Canada, and there forcibly carried off a man named Ebenezer Tyler, the War Department has communicated the copy of a report of John A. Haddock, captain, commanding company E, 35th New York volunteers, concerning his arrest of Ebenezer Tyler, a deserter from the forces of the United States, within the unquestioned Canadian territories of Great Britain.

This violation of the sovereignty of a friendly state was doubtlessly committed under the influence of an earnest zeal for the interests of the United States, but that cannot diminish the wrongfulness of the act. Consequently, having submitted the matter to the President, I am instructed by him to disavow with regret the proceedings of Captain Haddock, and to inform you that the captain will be discharged from the public service, and that the deserter, Ebenezer Tyler, will be discharged from his enlistment in the volunteer forces of the United States.

The affidavits which accompanied your lordship’s note are herewith returned to you, in conformity with your request.

I have the honor to be, with high consideration, your lordship’s obedient servant,


Right Hon. Lord Lyons, &c., &c., &c.