Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons.
My Lord: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 29th instant, communicating the copy of a despatch, and of a report enclosed in it, which you have received from Vice-Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, commander-in-chief of her Majesty’s naval forces on the North American and West Indian stations, representing that the commanders of the vessels-of-war of the United States in the neighborhood of the Bahama islands have disregarded the regulations of her Majesty’s government with regard to the use by belligerents of British waters, and suggesting that the attention of the naval officers should be called by this government to those regulations.
Admiral Milne, in his despatch referred to, also represents that he has received intelligence leading him to fear that the United States cruiser has captured the schooner Elias Reed within British jurisdiction.
In reply, I have the honor to state that the attention of the Secretary of the Navy will be promptly invited to the subject, with a view to such proceedings as, upon due investigation, the circumstances shall seem to require.
I have the honor to be, with high consideration, your lordship’s obedient servant,
Right Hon. Lord Lyons, &c., &c., &c.