Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.

No. 397.]

Sir: In obedience to the instructions contained in your despatch No. 542, of the 12th of April, I have transmitted a note to Lord Russell, together with a copy of the memorial of the Panama Railroad Company.

A copy of that note is herewith transmitted.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c.

[Page 272]


Mr. Adams to Lord Russell, with memorial, April 29, 1863

Mr. Adams to Lord Russell.

My Lord: I am directed by the government of the United States to submit to your consideration a copy of a memorial addressed to the President by the directing authorities of the Panama Railroad Company. I am further instructed to say that this case is regarded as coming within the category described in my note to your lordship of the 20th November last, touching the depredations committed by gunboat “290,” now known as the Alabama, but attended by some peculiar circumstances fully set forth in the memorial itself.

Renewing, &c., &c.,


Right Hon. Earl Russell, &c., &c.