Visits By Foreign Leaders of Romania

Prime Minister Ion Gheorghe MaurerInformal visit. Departed U.S. June 27; visited New York City.June 26, 1967
President Nicolae CeausescuAttended White House dinner on 25th Anniversary of the U.N; official visit to Washington, October 26–28.October 24, 1970
President Nicolae CeausescuOfficial visit. Afterwards visited Wilmington (N.C.), Cleveland, Hartford (Conn.), and New York City. Departed U.S. December 7.December 3–6, 1973
President Nicolae CeausescuState visit. Afterwards visited Chattanooga, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, and New York City. Departed U.S. April 17.April 11–14, 1978
President Ion IliescuAttended dedication of the Holocaust Memorial Museum and met with President Clinton on April 21.April 19–23, 1993
President Ion IliescuWorking visit.September 25–29, 1995
President Emil ConstantinescuOfficial visit. Addressed a Joint Session of Congress. Afterwards visited Chicago and San Francisco. Departed the U.S. July 22.July 14–17, 1998
President Emil ConstantinescuAttended NATO’s 50th Anniversary Summit.April 23–25, 1999
Prime Minster Adrian NastaseMet with President Bush November 1 during a private visit.October 29–November 1, 2001
President Ion IliescuWorking visit.October 27–29, 2003
Prime Minister Adrian NastaseWorking visit. Attended NATO Accession ceremony.March 28–29, 2004
Prime Minister Adrian NastaseWorking visit.July 18–21, 2004
President Traian BasescuWorking visit.March 8–9, 2005
President Traian BasescuWorking visit.July 26–28, 2006
President Traian BasescuAttended the NATO Summit Meeting in Chicago, IL.May 20–21, 2012
President Klaus Werner IohannisAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.March 31–April 1, 2016
President Klaus IohannisOfficial Working Visit.June 9, 2017
President Klaus IohannisWorking Visit.August 19–20, 2019