Visits By Foreign Leaders of Nigeria

Prime Minister BalewaMet with President Eisenhower in Washington while attending UN General Assembly.October 8, 1960
Prime Minister BalewaOfficial visit. In U.S. July 24–August 1, visiting New York City, Chicago, and Knoxville (Tennessee).July 25–28, 1961
Lieutenant General Olusegun ObasanjoState Visit. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. September 15.October 10–13, 1977
President Shehu ShagariOfficial visit.October 3–8, 1980
President-elect Olusegun ObasanjoMet with President Clinton during a private visit. Arrived in New York March 29.March 30, 1999
President Olusegun ObasanjoOfficial working visit.October 27–30, 1999
President Olesegun ObasanjoWorking visit.May 10–12, 2001
President Olusegun ObasanjoMet with President Bush during a private visit.November 2, 2001
President Olusegun ObasanjoMet with President Bush during a private visit.June 20, 2002
President Olesegun ObsanjoMet with President Bush during the G-8 Economic Summit at Sea Island, Georgia. Attended the funeral of Former President Reagan.June 10–11, 2004
President Olusegun ObsanjoWorking visit.December 2–3, 2004
President Olusegun ObasanjoWorking visit.May 5, 2005
President Olusegun ObasanjoWorking visit.March 28–29, 2006
President Umaru Yar’AduaWorking visit.December 12–15, 2007
Acting President Goodluck JonathanAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.April 11–13, 2010
President Goodluck JonathanWorking visit.June 8, 2011
President Goodluck JonathanMet with President Obama at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 23, 2013
President Goodluck JonathanAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit.August 5–6, 2014
President Muhammedu BuhariOfficial Working Visit.July 20–21, 2015
President Muhammadu BuhariAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.March 31–April 1, 2016
President Muhammadu BuhariOfficial Working Visit.April 29–May 1, 2018
President Muhammadu BuhariAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders' Summit.December 13–15, 2022