Visits By Foreign Leaders of Dominican Republic

President-elect BoschPrivate visit.January 4–10, 1963
President Joaquin Videla BalaguerAttended signing of the Panama Canal Treaty.September 6–9, 1977
President-elect Salvador Jorge BlancoPrivate visit. Met with President Reagan July 15.July 14–16, 1982
President Salvador Jorge BlancoState visit; visited Springfield (Ill.), Chicago, New York City, Columbia (S.C.). Departed U.S. April 14.April 9–11, 1984
President Joaquin Videla BalaguerOfficial Working Visit. Private visit afterwards to Boston and Texas.March 24–25, 1988
President Joaquin Videla BalaguerAttended the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida.December 9–11, 1994
President Leonel FernandezMet with President Clinton during a private visit.June 10, 1998
President Hipolito MejiaWorking visit.May 20, 2003
President Leonel FernandezWorking visit. Discussed Central American and Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement.May 10–12, 2005
President Leonel FernandezWorking visit.October 24–27, 2006
President Leonel FernandezMet with President Bush at the Council of the Americas in New York City.September 24, 2008
President Leonel Fernandez ReynaWorking visit.July 12, 2010
President Danilo Medina SanchezCaribbean Leaders Conference at Mar-a-Lago, Florida.March 22, 2019
President Luis AbinaderAttended the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, CA.June 8–10, 2022
President Luis AbinaderMet with President Biden for a bilateral meeting alongside the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity Summit Meeting.November 2, 2023
President Luis AbinaderAttended the APEP Leaders' Summit.November 3, 2023