Visits By Foreign Leaders of Cambodia

King SihanoukEn route from Europe to Cambodia; visited New York City and San Francisco. Departed U.S. April 21.April 17, 1953
Premier and Prince SihanoukUnofficial visit to Washington while attending UN General Assembly. Arrived in U.S. September 12.September 28–October 3, 1958
Premier & Prince SihanoukMet with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.September 27, 1960
Prince SihanoukMet with President Kennedy in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.September 25, 1961
Prime Minister-Prince Norodom KantolAttended funeral of President Kennedy.November 24–25, 1963
Chief of State Cheng HengAttended White House dinner on 25th Anniversary of the U.N.; met privately with President Nixon October 25.October 24–25, 1970
Acting Prime Minister Sirik MatakOfficial visit.August 10–11, 1971
Prime Minister Hun SenAttended the ASEAN Leaders Summit at Sunnylands, CA.February 16–18, 2016
Prime Minister Hun SenAttended the U.S.-ASEAN Summit.May 12–13, 2022