
John Foster DullesTaipeiMet with President Chiang Kai-shek while returning from Manila.September 9, 1954
John Foster DullesTaipeiExchanged instruments of ratification of the Mutual Defense Treaty.March 3, 1955
John Foster DullesTaipeiMet with President Chiang and senior Chinese Nationalist officials.March 16–17, 1956
John Foster DullesTaipeiMet with President Chiang and attended a conference of U.S. Chiefs of Mission to Asian countries. Returned March 18.March 14–16, 1958
John Foster DullesTaipeiConsultations concerning the Mutual Defense Treaty.October 21–23, 1958
David Dean RuskTaipeiMet with President Chiang.April 16–17, 1964
David Dean RuskTaipeiMet with President Chiang and seniro Chinese Nationalist officials.July 3–4, 1966
David Dean RuskTaipeiMet with President Chiang and senior Chinese Nationalist officials.December 7–9, 1966
William Pierce RogersTaipeiMet with President Chiang and senior Chinese Nationalist officials.August 1–3, 1969