Taiwan - Travels of the President - Travels - Department
Name | Locale | Remarks | Date |
John Foster Dulles | Taipei | Met with President Chiang Kai-shek while returning from Manila. | September 9, 1954 |
John Foster Dulles | Taipei | Exchanged instruments of ratification of the Mutual Defense Treaty. | March 3, 1955 |
John Foster Dulles | Taipei | Met with President Chiang and senior Chinese Nationalist officials. | March 16–17, 1956 |
John Foster Dulles | Taipei | Met with President Chiang and attended a conference of U.S. Chiefs of Mission to
Asian countries. Returned March 18. | March 14–16, 1958 |
John Foster Dulles | Taipei | Consultations concerning the Mutual Defense Treaty. | October 21–23, 1958 |
David Dean Rusk | Taipei | Met with President Chiang. | April 16–17, 1964 |
David Dean Rusk | Taipei | Met with President Chiang and seniro Chinese Nationalist officials. | July 3–4, 1966 |
David Dean Rusk | Taipei | Met with President Chiang and senior Chinese Nationalist officials. | December 7–9, 1966 |
William Pierce Rogers | Taipei | Met with President Chiang and senior Chinese Nationalist officials. | August 1–3, 1969 |