Elihu Root | Panama City | Met with President Amador and addressed the National Assembly. | September 20–21, 1906 |
Philander Chase Knox | Colon, Panama City | Met with President Chiari and Foreign Minister Arjona. Left U.S. February
23. | February 27–29, 1912 |
Cordell Hull | Panama City | Met with President Arias and Foreign Minister Arosemena. Returned to U.S. January
19. | January 17, 1934 |
Cordell Hull | Panama City | Met with President Arosemena and addressed a conference of Foreign Service officers
while en route to conference in Lima. Left U.S. November 25. | November 30–December 1, 1938 |
Cordell Hull | Panama City | Met with President Arosemena. Returned to U.S. January 9, 1939. | January 3, 1939 |
John Foster Dulles | Panama City | Accompanied President Eisenhower to a meeting of the Presidents of the American
Republics. | July 21–24, 1956 |
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) Kissinger | Panama City | Signed a statement of principles for negotiation of a new Panama Canal
treaty. | February 7, 1974 |
George Pratt Shultz | Panama City | Attended the inauguration of President Barletta. | October 10–11, 1984 |
Madeleine Korbel Albright | Panama City | Met with President Moscoso; visited Panama Canal. | January 15, 2000 |
Colin Luther Powell | Panama City | Attended a ceremony honoring the centennial of Panamanian independence. Greeted
Taiwanese President Chen Shu-bian. | November 3, 2003 |
Colin Luther Powell | Panama City | Attended the inauguration of President Martin Torrijos. | September 1, 2004 |
Condoleezza Rice | Panama City | Attended OAS General Assembly Meeting. | June 4, 2007 |
Condoleezza Rice | Panama City | Met with President Torrijos and attended the first Pathways to Prosperity in the
Americas Ministerial Meeting. | December 9–10, 2008 |
John Forbes Kerry | Panama City | Attended the inauguration of President Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez. Met with the
Presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. | July 1, 2014 |
John Forbes Kerry | Panama City | Attended the Seventh Summit of the Americas. | April 9–10, 2015 |
Michael R. Pompeo | Panama City | Met with President Juan Carlos Varela and Vice President and Foreign Minister
Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado to discuss ongoing U.S.-Panama collaboration on
regional priorities. | October 18, 2018 |
Antony Blinken | Panama City | Co-hosted a Ministerial Conference on Migration and Protection with the Government
of Panama and met with President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen and Foreign Minister Erika
Mouynes. | April 19–20, 2022 |