
John Milton HayNauheimVacation trip for health reasons.April 30–May 21, 1905
Charles Evans HughesBerlinMet with President Ebert and Foreign Minister Stresemann. Returned to U.S. August 14.August 3–4, 1924
Henry Lewis StimsonBerlinMet with President von Hindenburg and senior German officials.July 25–27, 1931
James Francis ByrnesPotsdamAccompanied President Truman to the Tripartite Conference of Berlin (Potsdam Conference).July 17–25, 1945
George Catlett MarshallWest BerlinConferred with U.S. military government officials.March 7–9, 1947
George Catlett MarshallWest BerlinHeld a press conference while returning to U.S. Returned April 26.April 25, 1947
Dean Gooderham AchesonFrankfurt, BonnMet with President Heuss and Chancellor Adenauer.November 11–13, 1949
Dean Gooderham AchesonBerlinMet with West Berlin officials and the commandants of the occupation sectors. Briefly visited East Berlin.November 14, 1949
Dean Gooderham AchesonBonnSigned Bonn Agreements providing for West German membership in NATO and the European Defense Community.May 23–26, 1952
Dean Gooderham AchesonWest BerlinSpoke at cornerstone laying for the American Memorial Library.June 29, 1952
John Foster DullesBonnMet with President Heuss and Chancellor Adenauer.February 5–6, 1953
John Foster DullesBerlinAttended Big Four Foreign Ministers Meeting. Sessions of February 1-6, 15, and 17 were held in East Berlin.January 22–February 18, 1954
John Foster DullesBonnMet with Chancellor Adenauer.February 18, 1954
John Foster DullesBonnMet with Chancellor Adenauer.September 16–17, 1954
John Foster DullesBonnAttended NATO Ministerial Meeting.May 2–4, 1957
John Foster DullesWest BerlinMet with city and U.S. officials.May 8, 1958
John Foster DullesBonnMet with Chancellor Adenauer on way to meeting of the Baghdad Pact.July 26, 1958
John Foster DullesBonnMet with Chancellor Adenauer and Foreign Minister Von Brentano.February 7–8, 1959
Christian Archibald HerterWest BerlinDedicated John Foster Allee.July 25, 1959
Christian Archibald HerterBonnAccompanied President Eisenhower to a meeting with Chancellor Adenauer.August 26–27, 1959
David Dean RuskWest BerlinMet with Mayor Brandt and signed city's Golden Book.June 21, 1962
David Dean RuskBonnDiscussed the Berlin crisis with Chancellor Adenauer and Foreign Minister Schroeder.June 21–23, 1962
David Dean RuskBonn, FrankfurtAccompanied President Kennedy.June 23–26, 1963
David Dean RuskWest BerlinAccompanied President Kennedy.June 26, 1963
David Dean RuskBonnDiscussed the Test Ban Treaty with Chancellor Adenauer and Foreign Minister Schroeder.August 10–11, 1963
David Dean RuskBonn, FrankfurtDedicated a memorial to General George C. Marshall in Frankfurt.October 25–27, 1963
David Dean RuskBonnMet with Chancellor Erhard and senior German officials.June 8–9, 1966
David Dean RuskBonn, CologneAccompanied President Johnson to the funeral of Chancellor Adenauer.April 23–26, 1967
David Dean RuskBonnMet with Chancellor Kiesinger.June 26, 1968
William Pierce RogersBonnAccompanied President Nixon.February 26–27, 1969
William Pierce RogersWest BerlinAccompanied President Nixon.February 27, 1969
William Pierce RogersBonnMet with Chancellor Brandt, Foreign Minister Scheel, and senior German officials.December 5, 1969
William Pierce RogersBonnMet with Foreign Minister Scheel.May 6–7, 1972
William Pierce RogersBonnAttended NATO Ministerial Meeting.May 29–31, 1972
William Pierce RogersBonnMet with senior West German officials.June 2–3, 1972
William Pierce RogersBerlinSigned Final Quadripartite Protocol to the Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin. Visited East and West Berlin.June 3, 1972
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBonnMet with Chancellor Brandt and Foreign Minister Scheel.March 3, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBonnMet with Chancellor Brandt and Foreign Minister Scheel.March 24, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBad ReichenhallMet with Foreign Minister Genscher.June 11, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerDusseldorf, MunichBriefed Foreign Minister Federal Genscher on the U.S.-Soviet summit.July 6–8, 1974
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBonnMet with Foreign Minister Genscher.February 15–16, 1975
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBonnMet with Chancellor Schmidt and Foreign Minister Genscher.May 20–21, 1975
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerWest BerlinMet with City officials. Addressed the Berlin House of Representatives.May 21, 1975
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBonnMet with West German officials and with Israeli Prime Minister Rabin.July 11–12, 1975
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBonnAccompanied President Ford.July 26–28, 1975
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerFuerthReceived the city's Gold Medal for Distinguished Native Citizens.December 13–15, 1975
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBonnMet with Chancellor Schmidt and Foreign Minister Genscher.May 23, 1976
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerBodenmais, GrafenauMet with Foreign Minister Genscher and South African Prime Minister Vorster.June 23–24, 1976
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerHamburgMet with Chancellor Schmidt and Foreign Minister Genscher.September 7, 1976
Cyrus Roberts VanceBonnBriefed Chancellor Schmidt and Foreign Minister Genscher on meetings with Soviet leaders.March 31, 1977
Cyrus Roberts VanceFrankfurt, BonnAccompanied President Carter on a State visit and to the Economic Summit Meeting.July 14–17, 1978
Cyrus Roberts VanceWest BerlinAccompanied President Carter.July 15, 1978
Cyrus Roberts VanceBonnDiscussed international responses to the Iranian hostage crisis with Chancellor Schmidt and Foreign Minister Genscher.December 11–12, 1979
Cyrus Roberts VanceBonnDiscussed responses to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan with Chancellor Schmidt and Foreign Minister Genscher.February 19–20, 1980
Alexander Meigs HaigBonnMet with Chancellor Schmidt and Foreign Minister Genscher.April 12, 1981
Alexander Meigs HaigWest BerlinAddressed the Berlin Press Association.September 13, 1981
Alexander Meigs HaigBonnMet with Foreign Minister Genscher.September 13–14, 1981
Alexander Meigs HaigBonnAccompanied President Reagan on a State visit and to a NATO Summit Meeting.June 9–11, 1982
Alexander Meigs HaigWest BerlinAccompanied President Reagan.June 11, 1982
George Pratt ShultzBonnMet with Chancellor Kohl and Foreign Minister Genscher.December 7–9, 1982
George Pratt ShultzBonnMet with Chancellor Kohl and Foreign Minister enscher.December 6–7, 1983
George Pratt ShultzLudwigshafenMet with Chancellor Kohl.December 15, 1984
George Pratt ShultzBonnAccompanied President Reagan to the Economic Summit Meeting and on a State visit.April 30–May 6, 1985
George Pratt ShultzBonnMet with Chancellor Kohl and Foreign Minister Genscher.December 13–14, 1985
George Pratt ShultzWest BerlinAddressed the Berlin Press Conference and signed the Golden Book.December 14–15, 1985
George Pratt ShultzBonnMet with Chancellor Kohl and senior West German officials.December 15, 1987
James Addison BakerBonnDiscussed modernization of short-range NATO nuclear missiles with Foreign Minister Genscher.February 12–14, 1989
James Addison BakerBonnAccompanied President Bush.May 30–31, 1989
James Addison BakerWest BerlinMet with West German Chancellor Kohl; delivered a public address.December 11–12, 1989
James Addison BakerBonnAttended Two-Plus-Four Ministerial Meeting on German reunification.May 4–6, 1990
James Addison BakerBonn, LudwigshafenMet with Chancellor Kohl and Foreign Minister Genscher.September 15, 1990
James Addison BakerBonnDiscussed the Persian Gulf crisis with Chancellor Kohl.January 8, 1991
James Addison BakerBerlin, HalleAttended CSCE Foreign Ministers' Meeting and discussed strategic arms reductions with Soviet Foreign Minister Bessmertnykh.June 17–21, 1991
James Addison BakerFrankfurtAttended ceremonies inaugurating emergency aid to the former Soviet republics.February 9–10, 1992
James Addison BakerMunichAccompanied President Bush to the Economic Summit Meeting and to meetings with Russian President Yeltsin.July 5–8, 1992
Warren Minor ChristopherBonnDiscussed the Bosnian crisis with senior German officials.May 6–7, 1993
Warren Minor ChristopherBonn, BerlinAccompanied President Clinton to meetings with Chancellor Kohl and EU President Delors.July 11–12, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherBerlinAttended farewell ceremony for departing Allied troops.September 8–9, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherFrankfurtCommented to the press on the Middle East peace process and the Iraq-Kuwait crisis.October 14, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherBerlinAttended meetings of NATO, NACC, and Contact Group Foreign Ministers.June 3–4, 1996
Warren Minor ChristopherStuttgart, BonnMet with Foreign Minister Kinkel and delivered a commemorative address.September 6–7, 1996
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBonnMet with Chancellor Kohl and Foreign Minister Kinkel.February 16–17, 1997
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBonnDiscussed the Kosovo crisis with Foreign Minister Kinkel.March 8, 1998
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBonnAttended a Contact Group ministerial meeting.March 24–25, 1998
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightRamstein Air Force Base, LandstuhlVisited Embassy personnel wounded in the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania; accompanied the dead back to the United States.August 12–13, 1998
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBonnAttended a G-8 Foreign Ministers meeting on the Kosovo conflict.May 4–6, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBonn, CologneAttended a G-8 Foreign Ministers meeting on the Kosovo conflict and the G-8 and U.S.-EU Ministerial meetings; met with Kosovar political leaders.June 6–11, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightCologneAttended G-8 Economic Summit meeting.June 20–21, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBerlinAttended G-8 Foreign Ministers meeting; met with President Djukanovic of Montenegro and Serbian opposition leaders.December 17, 1999
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBerlin, AachenAccompanied President Clinton.June 1–3, 2000
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightBerlinDelivered an address on democracy in the Balkans.June 29, 2000
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightDresdenAttended ceremonies commemorating the 10th anniversary of German reunification.October 3, 2000
Colin Luther PowellBerlinMet with Chancellor Schroeder and Foreign Minister Fischer.December 10–11, 2001
Colin Luther PowellBerlinAccompanied President Bush.May 22–23, 2002
Colin Luther PowellBerlinMet with Chancellor Schroeder and Foreign Minister Fischer.May 15–16, 2003
Colin Luther PowellBerlinAttended International Conference on Afghanistan.March 31–April 1, 2004
Colin Luther PowellBerlinAttended OSCE Conference on Anti-Semitism.April 28–29, 2004
Condoleezza RiceBerlinMet with Chancellor Schroeder.February 4–5, 2005
Condoleezza RiceMainz, WiesbadenAccompanied President Bush to meeting with Chancellor Schroeder.February 23, 2005
Condoleezza RiceBerlinMet with Chancellor Merkel.December 5–6, 2005
Condoleezza RiceBerlinMet with Chancellor Merkel and with the Foreign Ministers of the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council.March 29–31, 2006
Condoleezza RiceStralsund, TrinwillershagenAccompanied President Bush to meetings with Chancellor Merkel.July 12–14, 2006
Condoleezza RiceBerlinMet with Foreign Minister Steinmeir and Chancellor Merkel.January 17–18, 2007
Condoleezza RiceBerlinAttended a Quartet meeting and met with Foreign Minister Steinmeier and Chancellor Merkel.February 20–21, 2007
Condoleezza RicePotsdamAttended a G-8 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.May 30–31, 2007
Condoleezza RiceBerlinAttended a meeting of the P5 +1 Group on Iran.January 22–23, 2008
Condoleezza RiceBerlinAttended the Conference in Support of Palestinian Civil Security and Rule of Law.June 23–25, 2008
Hillary Rodham ClintonBaden-BadenAccompanied President Obama.April 3–4, 2009
Hillary Rodham ClintonBerlinAttended ceremonies commemorating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Met with Chancellor Merkel and Foreign Minister Westerwelle.November 8–9, 2009
Hillary Rodham ClintonMunichAttended the Munich Security Conference and exchanged ratifications of the new START Treaty with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.February 5–6, 2011
Hillary Rodham ClintonBerlinAttended a NATO Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and meetings of the NATO-Georgia and NATO Ukraine Commisions and the NATO-Russia Council. Attended a memorial Service for Ambassador Holbrooke and received the Rathenau Prize.April 14–15, 2011
Hillary Rodham ClintonBonnAttended the International Conference for Afghanistan.December 5, 2011
Hillary Rodham ClintonMunichAttended the 48th Munich Security Conference.February 4–5, 2012
John Forbes KerryBerlinMet with Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.February 26–27, 2013
John Forbes KerryBerlin, MunichMet with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Attended the 50th Munich Security Conference.January 31–February 2, 2014
John Forbes KerryBerlinMet with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.October 21–22, 2014
John Forbes KerryMunichMet with Sultan Qaboos of Oman.January 10, 2015
John Forbes KerryMunichAttended the 51st Munich Security Conference.February 6–8, 2015
John Forbes KerryLubeckAttended the G-7 Foreign Ministers Meeting.April 14–15, 2015
John Forbes KerryBerlinMet with Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.September 20, 2015
John Forbes KerryBerlinMet with Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and EU High Representative Federica Mogherini.October 22, 2015
John Forbes KerryMunichAttended the 52nd Munich Security Conference and an International Syria Support Group meeting.February 10–14, 2016
John Forbes KerryBerlinMet with Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Received the Federal Cross of Merit.December 4–5, 2016
John Forbes KerryHamburgAttended an OSCE Ministerial Meeting.December 7–8, 2016
Rex W. TillersonBonnAttended a G-20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.February 15–17, 2017
Rex W. TillersonHamburgAccompanied President Trump to the G-20 Summit.July 5–9, 2017
Michael R. PompeoBerlinMet with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas.May 30–June 1, 2019
Michael R. PompeoGrafenwohr, Vilseck, Modlareuth, LeipzigParticipated in events to commemorate the end of the Cold War and met with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas.November 6, 2019
Michael R. PompeoBerlinMet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and commemorated the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.November 7–8, 2019
Michael R. PompeoBerlinAttended the jointly hosted German-UN international conference on Libya.January 19, 2020
Michael R. PompeoMunichLed the U.S. delegation to the Munich Security Conference.February 14, 2020
Antony BlinkenBerlinMet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, met with Libyan interim Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dabaiba, and attended the Second Berlin Conference on Libya.June 23–24, 2021
Antony BlinkenRamsteinMet with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and attended a Ministerial on Afghanistan.September 8, 2021
Antony BlinkenBerlinMet with Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.January 20–21, 2022
Antony BlinkenMunichAttended the Munich Security Conference.February 18–19, 2022
Antony BlinkenBerlinAttended an informal meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers.May 14–15, 2022
Antony BlinkenBerlinAttended the Berlin Ministerial Conference “Uniting for Global Food Security" and a G7 Ministerial Meeting.June 23–25, 2022
Antony BlinkenSchloss ElmauJoined President Biden for the G7 Leaders’ Summit.June 25–28, 2022
Antony BlinkenMunsterParticipated in the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the U.S.-German Futures Forum.November 3–4, 2022
Antony BlinkenMunichAttended the Munich Security Conference.February 16–19, 2023