Czech Republic

Warren Minor ChristopherPragueAccompanied President Clinton to meetings with the Presidents of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary; and with the Prime Minister of Slovakia.January 11–12, 1994
Warren Minor ChristopherPragueAttended a meeting of Central and Eastern European Foreign Ministers.March 19–21, 1996
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightPragueMet with President Havel and visited the Pinkas Synagogue.July 13–14, 1997
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightLetohrad, Kostelec, TerezinVisiting the birthplaces of her parents and the site of the concentration camp where her grandparents were held.August 31–September 2, 1997
Madeleine Korbel AlbrightPrague, Brno, HodininMet with President Havel and senior officials, commemorated the 150th birthday of former President Thomas Masaryk; met with representatives of Serbian NGOs.March 5–8, 2000
Colin Luther PowellPragueAccompanied President Bush to the NATO Summit meeting,.November 19–22, 2002
Condoleezza RicePragueSigned missile defense radar agreement.July 8–9, 2008
Hillary Rodham ClintonPragueAccompanied President Obama.April 4–5, 2009
Hillary Rodham ClintonPragueAccompanied President Obama to the signing of a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia.April 8–9, 2010
Hillary Rodham ClintonPragueAttended the funeral of former President Vaclav Havel.December 23, 2011
Hillary Rodham ClintonPragueMet with Prime Minister Petr Necas and Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg.December 3–4, 2012