
Name Locale Remarks Date
Elihu Root Para, Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santos Attended Third International Conference of American States. Left U.S. July 4. July 17–August 7, 1906
Bainbridge Colby Rio de Janeiro Official visit; repaid visit by President Pessoa. December 21–24, 1920
Charles Evans Hughes Rio de Janeiro U.S. Special Mission to Brazil. Attended ceremonies commemorating centenary of Brazilian independence. Left U.S. August 24; returned September 23. September 5–12, 1922
Cordell Hull Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santos Met with President Vargas and Foreign Minister de Mello Franco en route to Inter-American Conference in Montevideo. Delivered several public addresses. Left U.S. November 17. November 24–25, 1933
Cordell Hull Rio de Janeiro, Santos Met with President Vargas and Foreign Minister Macedo Soares en route to Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace. Left U.S. November 7. November 19–21, 1936
Cordell Hull Santos, Rio de Janeiro Met with President Vargas and delivered public addresses while returning to U.S. December 29–31, 1936
Edward Reilly Stettinius Rio de Janeiro Met with President Vargas. February 17–19, 1945
George Catlett Marshall Petropolis Attended Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace. August 15–September 3, 1947
Dean Gooderham Acheson Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belem Official visit. Addressed the Brazilian Congress. July 2–8, 1952
John Foster Dulles Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia Official visit. August 4–6, 1958
Christian Archibald Herter Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo Accompanied President Eisenhower on a good will tour. February 23–26, 1960
David Dean Rusk Rio de Janeiro Attended the Second Special Inter-American Conference. November 16–24, 1965
William Pierce Rogers Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia Met with President Medici and senior Brazilian officials. May 19–22, 1973
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) Kissinger Brasilia Met with Foreign Minister Silveira. Signed a Memorandum of Understanding. February 19–21, 1976
Cyrus Roberts Vance Brasilia Met with President Geisel and senior Brazilian officials. November 22–23, 1977
Cyrus Roberts Vance Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro Accompanied President Carter on an official visit. March 29–31, 1978
George Pratt Shultz Brasilia, Sao Paulo Accompanied President Reagan on an official working visit. November 30–December 3, 1982
George Pratt Shultz Brasilia Signed a bilateral science and technology agreement. February 3–7, 1984
George Pratt Shultz Brasilia Attended OAS General Assembly Meeting. November 10–13, 1984
George Pratt Shultz Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia Met with President Sarney and senior Brazilian officials. August 4–8, 1988
Warren Minor Christopher Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Manaus Met with President Cardoso and Foreign Minister Lampreia. Signed agreement on peaceful uses of atomic energy, visited National Institute for Amazon Research. March 1–3, 1996
Madeleine Korbel Albright Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro Accompanied President Clinton. October 13–15, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Brasilia Met with President Cardoso and Foreign Minister Lampreia. August 15, 2000
Colin Luther Powell Brasilia, Sao Paulo Met with President Lula da Silva and Foreign Minister Amorim and addressed the American Chamber of Commerce. October 4–6, 2004
Condoleezza Rice Brasilia Met with President da Silva and Foreign Minister Amorim. April 26–27, 2005
Condoleezza Rice Brasilia Accompanied President Bush to a meeting with President Lula da Silva. November 5–6, 2005
Condoleezza Rice Rio de Janeiro Stopped en route to Indonesia. March 12, 2006
Condoleezza Rice Sao Paulo Accompanied President Bush.  Signed memorandum of understanding on biofuels cooperation. March 8–9, 2007
Condoleezza Rice Brasilia, Salvador da Bahia Met with President Lula da Silva and Foreign Minister Amorim.  In Salvador da Bahia, met with the president of Neoenergia and with the state governor. March 13–14, 2008
Hillary Rodham Clinton Brasilia, Sao Paulo Met with President Lula da Silva and Foreign Minister Amorim. Held a Townterview at Zumbi dos Palmares University in Sao Paulo. March 2–3, 2010
Hillary Rodham Clinton Brasilia Attended the inauguration of President Rouseff. January 1, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton Brasilia Attended the 3rd U.S.-Brazil Global Partnership Dialogue. Addressed the First Annual meeting of the Open Government Partnership. April 16–18, 2012
Hillary Rodham Clinton Rio de Janeiro Attended the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. June 20–22, 2012
John Forbes Kerry Brasilia Met with President Dilma Roussef, Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota, and Education Minister Aloizio Mercadante. August 13, 2013
John Forbes Kerry Rio de Janeiro Met with Foreign Minister Jose Serra and attended the Opening Ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. August 5–6, 2016
Michael R. Pompeo Boa Vista Met with Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo. September 18, 2020