Eugene Schuyler (1840–1890)

State of Residence: New York
  1. Diplomatic Agent/Consul General (Romania)
    Appointed: June 11, 1880
    Presentation of Credentials: Was not formally received; delivered credentials in private audience on December 14, 1880
    Termination of Mission: Promoted to Chargé d’Affaires/Consul General January 25, 1881
    • The Romanian Foreign Ministry had indicated on August 13, 1880, a willingness to enter provisionally into relations with the U.S. Legation.
  2. Chargé d’Affaires and Consul General (Romania)
    Appointed: December 21, 1880
    Presentation of Credentials: January 25, 1881
    Termination of Mission: Promoted to Minister Resident/Consul General September 8, 1882
    • Reaccredited on May 16, 1881, when Romania became a kingdom.
  3. Concurrent Appointments
    1. Minister Resident/Consul General (Serbia)
      Appointed: July 7, 1882
      Presentation of Credentials: November 10, 1882
      Termination of Mission: Recall transmitted by note by the Vice Consul General at Belgrade September 19, 1884
      • Also accredited to Romania and Greece; resident at Athens.
    2. Minister Resident/Consul General (Romania)
      Appointed: July 7, 1882
      Presentation of Credentials: September 8, 1882
      Termination of Mission: Presented recall on September 7, 1884
      • When promoted to Minister Resident/Consul General, Schuyler transferred his residence to Athens. Also accredited to Serbia and Greece; resident at Athens.
    3. Minister Resident/Consul General (Greece)
      Appointed: July 7, 1882
      Presentation of Credentials: January 9, 1883
      Termination of Mission: Presented recall on October 13, 1884
      • Also accredited to Serbia and Romania; resident at Athens.
  4. Agent/Consul General (Egypt)
    Appointed: June 26, 1889
    Presentation of Credentials: November 23, 1889
    Termination of Mission: Left post on July 2, 1890
    • Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; died in Venice on way home.
  5. Assistant Secretary of State
    • Not commissioned; nomination withdrawn before the Senate acted upon it.