William Caldwell Harrop (1929–)

Career Foreign Service Officer
State of Residence: New Jersey
  1. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Guinea)
    Appointed: May 8, 1975
    Presentation of Credentials: May 29, 1975
    Termination of Mission: Left post on July 15, 1977
  2. Concurrent Appointments
    1. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Seychelles)
      Appointed: May 23, 1980
      Presentation of Credentials: August 26, 1980
      Termination of Mission: Resignation accepted to Seychelles only September 22, 1983
      • Also accredited to Kenya; resident at Nairobi.
    2. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Kenya)
      Appointed: May 23, 1980
      Presentation of Credentials: July 10, 1980
      Termination of Mission: September 1, 1983
      • Also accredited to Seychelles; resident at Nairobi.
  3. Inspector General of the Department of State and the Foreign Service
    Appointed: November 18, 1983
    Entry on Duty: December 12, 1983
    Termination of Appointment: August 27, 1986
    • Designated Program Inspector General, Oct 9, 1985. P.L. 99-399 of Aug 27, 1986 (100 Stat. 867), abolished the position and created the office of Inspector General of the Department of State. H. Byron Hollingsworth of Virginia (Foreign Service officer) served as Acting Inspector General, Aug 1986-Aug 1987. The Act also established the Office of Program and Policy Review; its Director held rank equivalent to an Assistant Secretary of State. Harrop held this new position until Aug 1, 1987, when it was reintegrated in to the Inspector General’s office.
  4. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Congo (Kinshasa))
    Appointed: December 18, 1987
    Presentation of Credentials: January 28, 1988
    Termination of Mission: Left post on May 18, 1991
  5. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Israel)
    Appointed: November 21, 1991
    Presentation of Credentials: January 21, 1992
    Termination of Mission: Left post on May 7, 1993