126. Telegram 3761 From the Embassy in Morocco to the Department of State1 2


  • Attempted Assassination of King Hassan: Preliminary Assessment


  • 3746
We have seen this afternoon and evening what now appears to be the failure of one more desperate attempt to eliminate King Hassan from leadership of Morocco. King has had what can only be described as miraculous escape. It is hard to understand how trained fighter pilot, flying as escort, could have failed to shoot down King’s plane, although one of our MUSLO staff has noted that F–5 fighter pilots have not had much opportunity to [Page 2] practice with live ammunition since attempted coup at Skhirat last year.
It now evident that assassination attempt carried out by small elite group of fighter pilots with support at least some air force enlisted men. Lack of evidence thus far of any collusion with any other military or civilian elements suggests F–5 squadrons only self-assigned mission was to remove King. Presumably they gambled that the effective removal of King would be accepted by rest of military, including Oufkir, and country at large. (It appears that Oufkir’s close friend Amekrane, who has reportedly landed in Gibraltar, was in on plot: Rabat 3760).
Gamble was lost, and it impossible to tell how King will react to assassination attempt. One thing certain. Fact that US Navy has presence at Kenitra and the US Air Force trained Moroccan F–5 fighter squadron is lost on no one and could likely have effect on US military presence here. I have already emphasized to Foreign Minister Benhima that there is absolutely no US involvement—even unwitting—in what was obviously all Moroccan affair. On instructions from the Department I am seeking see Benhima again tonight to formally convey our shock and dismay at any suggestion that Americans could in any way be involved in an activity threatening the security of the King and to ask GOM to act promptly to prevent further circulation such rumors.
De Tarr
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 15–1 MOR. Confidential; Niact; Immediate. It was repeated Immediate to Paris, Rome, Madrid, Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, and London, and to USCINCEUR and COMNAVTRACOM.
  2. Ambassador to Morocco Stuart Rockwell gave a preliminary assessment on the failure of another attempt to assassinate King Hassan.