170. Telegram 254205 From the Department of State to Multiple Posts1 2
Washington, November 18, 1974, 2324Z
- US Cooperation/Assistance in Selective Foreign Drug Abuse Prevention Activities
- 241812
New Delhi pass Ambassador Vance
- 1.
- It is believed that a number of appropriate opportunities may exist for assisting United States Government international narcotics control objectives through assistance to foreign drug abuse prevention activities. The basic rationale is that a carefully selective, relatively small cost investment of our international narcotics control program funds in such activities will pay justifying dividends in bringing about greater USG-host country across-the-board narcotics cooperation ultimately rebounding positively on our national drug control program efforts.
- 2.
- The following are general guidelines developed to indicate the
conditions under which assistance programs of this type would meet
US policy o0jectives:
- A.
- The countries selected are of sufficient importance to US Narcotics control.
- B.
- Support of activity would be as part of an integrated US program in that country which deals with supply as well as demand problems.
- C.
- The support of the local activity would serve to raise the level of consciousness of local nationals and their government concerning the extent of their own domestic drug abuse problem and thereby foster their cooperation in preventing illicit production and/or trafficking of international concern.
- D.
- The assistance activity would enable us to learn things that might be useful to our objectives as foreign governments develop their own treatment/rehabilitation procedures and techniques in their own projects.
- E.
- The assistance would be in projects so designed as to demonstrate to other governments that we are concerned over the demand and health aspects of the drug abuse problem as well as the supply and law enforcement aspects.
- F.
- The projects assisted should not conflict with or duplicate United Nations or other international organization activities, nor would we initiate bilateral assistance activities where international organization efforts would better serve our overall purpose.
- G.
- We will not become involved in “curing addiction” or in the actual delivery of treatment services to foreign addicts. However, we might fund pilot programs, training programs, or technical assistance which would assist, train or prepare local nationals for delivering such services to their own addicts.
- 3.
- It is believed that host countries of action addressee posts are
most likely to be “good candidates” for drug abuse prevention
assistance of the type envisaged. We, therefore, would appreciate
their views on the applicability and usefulness of drug abuse
prevention assistance activities as described in the context of the
overall US international narcotics
program as it affects the host country. In this connection, the
Embassy is requested to assess the existing drug abuse prevention
resources of the host country and provide a brief summary report
thereon. The resources assessed should include government agencies,
non-government organizations, and individuals actively involved, as
well as the extent of available facilities, equipment, and library
and learning materials. Posts may wish name persons in country with
knowledge of drug prevention/rehabilitation activities who could
serve as resource personnel in any activities which we may support.
It is suggested that the Embassy’s assessment take into
consideration the extent to which the following types of drug abuse
prevention activities are being carried on in the host country.
- A.
- Treatment, such as programs to provide medical, psychological, or social treatment for persons using or abusing any narcotic or dangerous drugs.
- B.
- Rehabilitation, including training for jobs, programs urging employer acceptance of rehabilitated drug users, efforts to relocate drug users in new work or life style, etc.
- C.
- Education, including programs for existing school systems, TV or media efforts at information delivery or education, training of teachers, counselors or social workers for drug abuse education efforts, etc.
- D.
- Training, including activities to train people to implement prevention and rehabilitation programs.
- E.
- Prevention, including programs of early intervention among young drug users, constructive efforts to prevent drug use with alternative activities, development of youth programs, etc.
- F.
- Research, including studies of the effects of various treatment methods on the traditional drug uses of the country.
- 4.
- Within the guidelines and based on an appropriate proposed program developed by Embassy based on identified needs and resources, we might provide, for example, some of the following programs: technical assistance in the form of visiting experts in the relevant drug abuse prevention fields; equipment directly related to drug abuse treatment efforts such as urinalysis machines, drugs and medical devices; training for persons who are going to be managing treatment rehabilitation centers, assistance in developing prevention programs or in teaching others in their nations to do these jobs; publications and materials for educational efforts, libraries, research reports; seminars and conferences to disseminate information and experience; and participation in cooperative research projects involved in various aspects of the drug abuse prevention field. We have noted that many posts are interested in obtaining literature on drug abuse patterns, drug identification, physiology of drug abuse, etc. Much information is available in English on these types of subjects and we can provide bibliographies to posts of available information if post identifies the specific subject area of interest.
- 5.
- If post believes that a drug abuse prevention assistance program of this type would be helpful in overall narcotics effort, it should submit proposal to Washington. We will be reviewing field responses to determine magnitude and direction of field interest in participation in prevention programs. Since number, size, and duration of possible projects currently unknown, we are unable to determine how many we will be able to support. Furthermore, we have not yet established mechanism or fully identified appropriate Washington office to backstop and implement drug prevention projects abroad. Posts, therefore, should not repeat not discuss possibility funding this type activity with host government at this time. We will be in touch with each post concerning further development or implementation of project proposal after Washington review all responses this cable and after appropriate mechanism for project approval process, monitoring, and implementation has been set up in Washington.
- 6.
- For info addressee posts: If you believe potential exists for mutually beneficial cooperative programs within the guidelines herein, you are invited to provide an assessment and submit proposals.
- 7.
- For Mexico City: We are aware you have some active programs already going forward.
- 8.
- For posts where we are already funding prevention/rehabilitation programs with section 482 funds, mission may ref appropriate messages concerning project proposal and approval rather than repeat as response this message.
- 9.
- For Geneva: Department would welcome Mission’s comments on current UN capabilities and plans in drug abuse prevention area to assist us in avoiding conflict with or duplication of UN activities.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files. Limited Official Use. Sent to Bangkok, Bogota, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Geneva, Hong Kong, Lima, Mexico City, Quito, Rangoon, and Santiago. Repeated for information to New Delhi, Amman, Ankara, Asuncion, Athens, Beirut, Bonn, Bridgetown, Brussels, Cairo, Colombo, Copenhagen, Dacca, Damascus, Guatemala City, Islamabad, Jakarta, Kabul, Kathmandu, Kingston, Kuala Lumpur, La Paz, Lisbon, Madrid, Managua, Manila, Montevideo, Nassau, Panama City, Paris, Phnom Penh, Port au Prince, Port of Spain, Rabat, Rome, Saigon, San Jose, San Salvador, Santo Domingo, Singapore, Tegucigalpa, Tehran, The Hague, and Tunis. Drafted and approved by Ernst; approved in draft by Cavanaugh, Searing, Zerolis, and Rouse; approved in substance by Shankle; and approved by phone by Smith.↩
- The telegram outlined criteria for support of host country drug abuse prevention efforts.↩