426. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1

158201. India Food.

Passage of Congressional Resolution2 supporting President’s India Food Program should be signal for renewed diplomatic activity in all country posts where possibility of obtaining food or food-related contributions to match food grains offered by U.S. Our objective to maximize commitments forthcoming at April 4 Consortium Meeting in Paris.
It should be stressed that overwhelming support from both houses of Congress for President’s program demonstrates depth and seriousness of U.S. commitment to this program.
Government of India asked to begin new round of diplomatic representations in coordination with our own efforts.
Previous support diplomatic efforts by Australians and Canadians most helpful. Effort should be made to enlist their help again.
Stress that various kind contributions acceptable so long as additive and helps free Indian foreign exchange for food purchases. Point out debt relief favorable contribution if on good terms and to be encouraged.

Report progress as it develops.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, SOC 10 INDIA. Confidential. Drafted by Rostow’s Special Assistant Alan R. Novak, and approved and initialed by Under Secretary Rostow. Sent to Bonn, Brussels, London, Paris, New Delhi, Rome, The Hague, Tokyo, Canberra, Ottawa, Vienna, Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, and Copenhagen.
  2. House Joint Resolution 267, “To support emergency food assistance to India,” was adopted as P.L. 90–7 on April 1. (81 Stat. 7) Printed in American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1967, pp. 763–764.