284. Telegram From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1

4857. Ref: State 166827.2 Subject: Military Credit Sales for Iran.

Although at first insisting he must have iron-clad five-year commitment, Shah 20th eventually bought my thesis that USG is treating him very well and that in reality qualifications attached to proposed credit sales program are consistent with constitutional factors which have heretofore regulated successful US-Iranian military cooperation.
Shah said Iran’s immediate military needs would exceed100 million but agreed confer further with ARMISH/MAAG Chief Jablonsky re essential FY69 requirements. If USG credit restricted to $75 million, Shah said, obviously orders for at least $25 million must be placed elsewhere.
Telegraphic reports on this3 and other subjects covered during two-hour conversation will be forwarded tomorrow. In general, all went well and Shah remains solid friend.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19–8 U.S.-IRAN. Secret; Immediate; Limdis. Repeated to CINCSTRIKE.
  2. Document 283.
  3. In telegram 4866 from Tehran, May 21, Meyer reported in detail on his May 20 discussion of the military credit sales program for Iran with the Shah. (Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19–8 U.S.-IRAN)