279. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran1
Washington, April 9, 1968,
144116. Ref: Tehran 4073;2 CHARMISH/MAAG ARCG 7076.3
- 1.
- We are proceeding urgently toward decision on US military credit sales program for Iran. No final decision on program has yet been reached but we hope to obtain such decision shortly. Until program approved, would be premature commence negotiations with GOI officials including Samii.
- 2.
- FYI. IRG/NEA agreed recommend modified program April 3. We plan submit program for approval by higher authority this week. Congressional consultations would follow this approval. (Summary of IRG meeting decisions being pouched.) End FYI.
- 3.
- Battle told Ansary April 9 that while we have many problems connected with Congressional and legislative considerations, there is no disagreement within executive branch on basic issue of our wanting continuing relationship with Iran in military field. Battle advises Ansary not to worry, including about time it will take us reach decisions, and said Shah could be reassured.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19–8 US–IRAN. Secret; Priority; Limdis. Drafted by McClelland; cleared by Eliot and Rockwell and in substance by Sober, G/PM Director for Operations Joseph J. Wolf, Jack Reed, and Ligon (OASD/ISA); and approved by Battle. Repeated to CINCSTRIKE/CINCMEAFSA.↩
- Dated April 6. (Ibid., DEF 12–5 IRAN)↩
- Not found.↩