6. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Turkey1
781. Personal for Hare from Ball. Embtel 1002.2 I am deeply concerned by the delay in Turkish reply and indications they want to do some legalistic nitpicking. In working out revised proposals, we were particularly concerned that any rewording, or any revising of plan should not compromise Turkish interests.3
When reply is delivered, if it appears Turks are presenting their “objections” because of resentment at Sandys-Kyprianou conversation and misinterpretation of “Sandys proposals”, emphasize that nitpicking at this time is disastrous course.
Their worry over getting relief supplies through can be alleviated more rapidly by getting the international force on the island immediately rather than haggling over terms of reference. We cannot understand their objection to “international force”. Main point of forces from [Page 12] NATO countries with possibly a non-NATO country (which would have to be acceptable to GOT) is preserved. Committee of Ambassadors from first meant representatives of governments having forces stationed on the Island. It was always planned that liaison with Government of Cyprus and with two communities would take place in Cyprus. There is nothing in the proposal in our view that prejudices either Turkey’s treaty rights or the position of the Vice President under the constitution.
Seek to have Turks concur in presentation to Makarios and Kutchuk and phrase their “objections” as observations or points as GOG did in first go-round. If they insist on tampering with details as conditions they must understand they are endangering whole operation.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–8 CYP. Secret; Immediate. Drafted by Bracken, cleared by Ball, and approved by Talbot.↩
- Telegram 1002, February 8, reported Turkish objections to any further concessions to the Government of Cyprus on the creation of a U.N. peacekeeping force. (Ibid.)↩
- On January 31, the United States and United Kingdom made a joint proposal to the parties concerned for the establishment of a peacekeeping force in Cyprus drawn from NATO countries. For text, see American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1964, p. 556.↩