155. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Portugal1

773. USUN’s 4596.2 Unless you see objection, please convey following to Franco Nogueira at next meeting.

During talks in US Carlos Lacerda reported that Portuguese convinced US arms reaching Angolan rebels via Congo and that Salazar claimed have paper signed by AmEmbassy Leopoldville attaché proving US source.

We cannot ignore insinuation US providing arms to Angolan rebels, and we regret that Lacerda, for whom we have great esteem, should have been made party to this renewed innuendo against US.

[Page 318]

Inform Fonmin you instructed state that allegations and insinuations such as those imparted to Lacerda in Lisbon wholly without foundation, as we have repeatedly told GOP. We very much regret GOP’s refusal accept statements made to it in best of faith.

No question anyone can buy US arms on world market. These beyond our control. We satisfied no weapons delivered through official channels to African recipients have been diverted to Roberto. Commercial sales are not permitted.

Would be curious see paper referred to by Salazar. Could this be document first reported your 840 of Feb 21, 1962?3 Will be recalled Secretary personally informed Fonmin in Athens4 and Pereira in Washington5 that document obvious and complete forgery concocted to sow discord between us.

If Portuguese have new paper, hope Fonmin will accord us courtesy of at least showing it to us, as he did on earlier occasion, or, even better, giving us copy for comment and study.6

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL 10 PORT. Confidential. Drafted by Barbour; cleared by Buffum, AFC, and ARA; and approved by Tyler. Repeated to Rio de Janiero, Leopoldville, USUN, Luanda, and Lourenco Marques.
  2. Telegram 4596 from USUN, June 22, reported that during a conversation with Stevenson, Lacerda noted Salazar’s claim that the United States was supplying the Angolan rebel forces. (Ibid.)
  3. See Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, vol. XIII, Document 338, footnote 1.
  4. See ibid., Document 338.
  5. See ibid., Document 338, footnote 2.
  6. Apparent reference to a paper given to U.S. officials in September 1963; a copy is an enclosure to airgram A-135, September 18, 1963. (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1961-63, POL 19 PORT)