150. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1
1102. CINCPAC for POLAD. Vietnamese JGS this morning requested through JAOC channels urgent airlift for approximately 350 military police from Vung Tau (Cap St. Jacques) to Hue. Purpose of lift connected with civil disturbances at Hue. Under normal conditions USAF C-123’s would be used in this operation. Have discussed the matter with MACV. JGS is being informed by MACV that use of US airplanes will not be permitted.
I shall also inform Thuan at first opportunity explaining that US cannot become involved, even indirectly, in GVN control measures at Hue. I hope that GVN will interpret this decision as reinforcing our recommendations for different approach to this problem. FYI. Use of USAF planes would of course be immediately apparent to Hue population. Even if troops lifted only as far as Danang, which alternate [Page 352] possibility, word would presumably quickly reach Hue. This action will not prevent movement of MP’s, as GVN can provide its own lift.2
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, SOC 14-1 S VIET. Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated to CINCPAC.↩
- In telegram MAC J-3 5116 from
COMUSMACV to CINCPAC, June 6, General Harkins reported to Admiral Felt that the following
message concerning the Buddhist crisis had been dispatched on June 5
to all MAC/V subordinate units and corps advisers:
“1. All US military personnel must recognize that subject problems are internal to Vietnam and section [action?] to solve them is the unilateral responsibility of the GVN. Members of this command will stand aloof from the controversy and will take no position nor action to aid or [abet?] either protagonist. Advisors will not accompany any units assigned an operational role against demonstrators or rioters. Any request by RVNAF authorities for US equipment or other support, which clearly or presumptively will be used in countermeasures against Buddhist groups, will be forwarded to this headquarters for decision.
“2. At such time as it appears that the VC become identified with the controversy, the foregoing instructions will be reviewed.” (Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Vietnam Country Series, 6/63)