142. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions1

1318. Khedivial Mail Lines vessel Cleopatra, UAR flag, picketed by Seafarers International Union since arrival New York April 13. Union alleges UAR boycott of Israel reduces job opportunities US seamen and charges abusive treatment its members in Egyptian ports. International Longshoreman’s Association refusing cross picket line with result ship unable discharge cargo. Vessel’s agent seeking injunction Federal District Court which has not yet reached decision. Even if injunction granted, unclear whether ILA would unload ship.

View foregoing appears increasingly likely prolonged picketing may have serious repercussions US-Arab relations and lead to reprisals against US shipping in Arab and Afro-Asian ports. According news reports such retaliation has already begun at Latakia. Following line may be taken by addressees if appropriate in light circumstances your area: 1) picketing being carried on by private groups unconnected with USG as counteraction to Arab practices they consider discriminatory against American shipping and seamen; 2) Cleopatra’s agents following proper course by seeking redress through courts; 3) we fully share UAR concern this question which we hope will be kept in perspective and not result hasty action which could only make matters worse; and 4) widespread counteraction by Arab or Asian maritime unions more likely injure livelihoods local workers than assist in resolution isolated case involving one UAR-flag vessel in New York.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 811.062/4–2260. Confidential. Drafted by Stookey (NE), cleared with NEA/NR and AF, and approved and signed for Herter by Hart. Sent to Taiz, Kuwait, Aden, Basra, Benghazi, Tripoli, Tunis, Rabat, Helsinki, Stockholm, and London and repeated to Cairo.