77. Memorandum of a Conversation Between the President of the Republic of Vietnam (Diem) and the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (Williams), Saigon, June 4, 1959, 9 a.m.1

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General Williams—I also have another piece of news. As you know, up to now we have not been sending U.S. Advisors along with Regiments and Separate Battalions on “operational missions.” We have done it in a few cases such as the operation of the 5th Division in area northeast of Bien Hoa. I had the senior advisor come to Bien Hoa and by commuting about 20 kilometers maintain liaison with the Division Commander on a daily basis. We also did the same thing when the 10th regiment of the 7th Division went on operation in the West. I sent the Senior U.S. Regimental Advisor to My Tho on orders to have daily liaison with the Regimental Commander who had his headquarters near by. This daily liaison is necessary in order to be able to render efficient advice on tactical and logistical problems. [Page 204] Now, we have received CINCPAC approval to send the U.S. Advisors along on operational missions with the restriction that they are not to become involved in the actual fighting, etc.

President—That is very good. However, I should be consulted in each individual case because a great deal will depend on the type of operations.

General Williams—I will discuss this with Mr. Dung and tell him what we are now authorized to do and then he can discuss the details with you. I will tell him about my conversation with you on this subject and that you agree in principle. (The President nodded in agreement.)2

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  1. Source: Center of Military History, Williams Papers, Conversations with Diem 5 Jan 59–25 Nov 59 (162). Extract. Secret. Interpreter and drafting officer not indicated on the source text. The omitted topics of discussion include military operations in the area northeast of Bien Hoa and in the Fifth Military Region, sabotage, and developments in Cambodia.
  2. In a memorandum to Durbrow dated June 5, Williams reported on this conversation. He wrote in part: “I informed him of … the authority now granted to allow Advisors to go to higher headquarters of units on operations to consult and advise with senior VN Commanders. He approved in principle. Details are to be worked out between the MAAG and DOD with DOD consulting him as necessary.” (Ibid.)