151. Draft Telegram From the Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1
Ref: Saigon’s 3095.2 Department concurs your recommendation that on instructions you inform Diem orally no further emergency equipment will be sent until GVN takes steps you outline, viz, that would convince you GVN “is making serious and sincere effort to settle basic outstanding problems with RKG.” FYI We agree telecommunications equipment and special forces training not included this cut-off. End FYI.
In addition recommended presentation you may add that if RKG should go to UN with even partial story GVN activities, GVN reputation would suffer in world opinion, its friends including US would not be able defend its anti-RKG activities and attitude of new African states would probably be influenced against GVN.
In making presentation to Diem, we believe you should refrain from linking our action to Chou En-lai coming visit to Cambodia or to recent events in Korea. Case should rest on its merits as you have outlined them.
Department will be guided by your judgment as to conditions under which later attempt might be made by Department to obtain emergency equipment. Presume this may be subject several subsequent talks with Diem.
Instructions to Bangkok follow.
- Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, Lansdale Papers: FRC 63 A 1803, Vietnam Correspondence 1960. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. Drafted by Wood and Anderson, marked “second draft”, and apparently sent to DOD/ISA for clearance. This telegram was not sent.↩
- Supra. For the reply to telegram 3095, see Document 157.↩