145. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Durbrow) to the Department of State1
3013. Reference: Deptel 1924.2 Lansdale so well known SEA would be practically impossible him come here without presence being known as happened with his visit a year ago.3 Radio Hanoi has already had field day on MAAG increase and presence Lansdale here would add grist to their theme Americans planning aggression. As far as I aware Lansdale is not expert anti-guerrilla activities. Furthermore, Emb has just been advised by three experts from Malaya on anti-guerrilla and psychological warfare tactics and we are trying get full teams of special forces and other experts. Therefore his request seems to be part of his groping in all directions to get “best advice” instead of taking appropriate action of means at his disposal to ameliorate situation. But if Diem should insist we might consider sending out on short TDY best US expert anti-guerrilla tactics who could be introduced without much chance detection. For above reasons question advisability Lansdale coming here.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5811/4–2260. Secret; Limit Distribution.↩
In telegram 1924, April 20, the Department informed the Embassy of the following:
“Vietnamese Counselor Lien called at Department 19th under instructions to say that President Diem desired Colonel Edward Lansdale visit Saigon briefly to discuss tactics for dealing with intensified Communist guerrilla activity. Lien was told Department would look into matter. (Lansdale had at least one relatively private conversation with Thuan during latter’s recent visit here.)
“Would appreciate your comments.” (Ibid., 751K.5811/4–2060)
A report of the discussion with Lien is in a memorandum of conversation by Askew, April 19. (Ibid., 751K.58/4–1960) No record of a conversation between Lansdale and Thuan has been found.
↩ - Reference to Lansdale’s visit to Vietnam as part of the Anderson Subcommittee of the Draper Committee on the U.S. Military Assistance Program. For a report of the work of the subcommittee, see Document 55.↩