154. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Turkey1
1072. Department seriously concerned at steady deterioration Greek-Turk relations. Tone and nature recent exchanges between these two NATO and Balkan Pact partners, if not moderated, may lead to extreme positions from which neither country can retreat. Department recognizes both governments extremely sensitive to local public opinion in view upcoming Greek elections and recent Turk Cabinet crisis. However, in our view both governments must share blame for utilizing radio and press to openly criticize acts considered internal affairs by Greece Turkey respectively. Department wishes Ambassadors in both capitals continue appeal to statesmanship respective government leaders and impress upon them need for greatest possible restraint in official statements to prevent further aggravation already tense situation.
Embassy Ankara should take appropriate occasion commend Foreign Office for recognizing Greek actions in coming weeks will be greatly influenced by electoral campaign issues (ref Embtel 10432). At same time you should point out in US view there is one serious stumbling block to improvement Greek-Turk relations, i.e. lack prompt action in reasonably concrete form on reparations issue. Department recognizes Turk Cabinet crisis held up presentation pertinent legislation but believes now new government installed and GNA in full swing enabling legislation should be promptly introduced in order renew Greek confidence in Turk bona fides and give Greek Govt something to use in placating Greek public opinion. In this connection you may refer to declaration by Minister of Finance November 24 (Ankara’s Embtel 8833) and Koprulu’s recent confirmation of Turk intention to introduce necessary legislation. Aside from beneficial effect such action would have on Greek-Turk relations, it could be expected considerably influence public opinion in third countries and help restore Turk prestige.
[Page 328]Embassy Athens in anticipation early concrete action by Turk Govt may wish on appropriate occasion appeal to Greek Govt leaders to deal with sensitive Greek-Turk relations, and more generally Balkan Pact and NATO matters, in dignified and enlightened manner with due regard for Greece’s best long-term interests, US recognizes considerable heat will be generated in forthcoming electoral campaign and opposition candidates can be expected cause Karamanlis serious trouble by exploiting Cyprus issue and Greek-Turk relations. In view fact elections not to be held for two months, possibility maintaining uneasy status quo until then seems dim. Greek Govt faces genuine internal difficulties on Cyprus issue but prospects for détente with Turkey appear feasible. Assuming Turk expressions of desire restore harmonious relations made in good faith, which we have no reason to doubt, Department believes Karamanlis might increase his stature with Greek public if he could make acceptable progress in this field.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 681.82/12–2855. Confidential. Drafted by Brewster and Crain. Also sent to Athens.↩
- In telegram 1043, December 23, the Embassy transmitted the highlights of a discussion with Nuri Birgi. Among other things, Nuri Birgi indicated that the Turkish Government agreed that there was little hope of an improvement in Greek-Turkish relations until after the upcoming Greek elections. (Ibid.,781.00/12–2355)↩
- In telegram 883, November 30, the Embassy reported that the Finance Minister had informed the press that a Turkish Committee of inspectors was presently examining the various declarations of losses and that the draft bill under preparation for the Turkish Assembly would authorize the government to compensate losses not covered by the aid committee. (Ibid., 782.00/11–3055)↩