365. Editorial Note
The White House Staff Notes (No. 177), forwarded to President Eisenhower on August 22, include the following item concerning Anglo-Egyptian financial relations:
“Embassy London has received a British aide-mémoire summarizing the status of Egyptian blocked accounts and emphasizing that there has been no change in the UK policy, agreed with the US, of continuing economic pressure on Nasser in order to obtain a satisfactory settlement of financial claims. The only major change being considered is the possible refusal of export licenses for ‘prestige’ goods such as Viscount aircraft. The aide-mémoire was apparently delivered because of Foreign Minister Lloyd’s concern that press reports would give us the impression that Britain is relaxing its financial restraints on Egypt and increasing economic exchanges.” (Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries; President Eisenhower initialed the text.)
Text of the aide-mémoire was transmitted to the Department of State in despatch 453, August 20. (Department of State, Central Files, 641.74231/8–2057)