390. Telegram From the Department of State to the Delegation at the Foreign Ministers Meetings in Geneva1
Tosec 192. Israel Ambassador called his request on Allen seventh.2Eban stated Israel did not claim “philosophical parity” of arms with Arab states but that Israel wished to be as strong as she “should be”. He would be submitting list shortly. Stressed urgency as IG had information Czech-Egyptian deal would be consummated within year. Said Israel would want defensive weapons against air attack—fighters and anti-aircraft guns. Recalled discussion of two years ago when Israel hoped purchase F–86s. Said Israel would want [Page 719] defense against Egyptian submarine threat but did not specify equipment. Also wanted anti-tank matériel. Said Israel would wish easiest possible terms of repayment. Also pointed out US could help indirectly by licensing for sale to Israel arms manufactured under US auspices in Canada and Western Europe.
Eban recalled Israel’s request for security guarantee and stated quite positively that Israel would have no objection if USG balanced it off by adherence to Baghdad Pact. (Israelis have undoubtedly made this known to American Jewish leaders as they are now beginning to echo this line at Dept.)Eban emphasized security guarantee to Israel should be granted prior to or at least simultaneously with US adherence Baghdad Pact. Stated Israel did not wish repetition “Suez Base affair.”Allen pointed out Nasser’s action had made him popular throughout Arab world including Iraq. Matter of timing of any US adherence to Baghdad Pact therefore one of considerable delicacy.Eban urged US make every effort make Nasser less popular, cut off economic aid and let him “stew in Russian juice”.Allen pointed out effort to “purge”Nasser might add to his stature internally such as had happened in cases Peron and Franco.
In concluding Eban said he had noted recent inklings in press now was time force Israel make substantial concessions to Arabs since Israel frightened.Eban emphatically reiterated Israel would make no territorial concessions. Derided Egypt’s desire for land contiguity with other Arab states. Said it was in Western interest keep Egypt isolated at this time. In present circumstances Egypt should not have land corridor to Jordan and if Arab-Israel peace were achieved Egypt would not need such corridor as she would have full transit rights across Israel.Eban predicted he would not live see serious change in Israel’s frontiers. Indicated IG would shortly be asking to open discussions with USG re proposal Secretary’s August 26 speech on financing compensation to refugees. Strongly implied Israel would stand adamantly against sizeable repatriation.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–GE/11–855. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Bergus and approved by Allen, who signed for Hoover. Also sent to London and Tel Aviv and repeated by pouch to Amman, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, and Jidda.↩
- No other account of this conversation has been found in Department of State files.↩