375. Memorandum of a Conversation Between Secretary of State Dulles and Foreign Minister Molotov, Geneva, October 31, 1955, 9 p.m.1

At Mr.Molotov’s dinner the only significant conversation that took place was with reference to the Near East situation. I referred to the visit which Mr.Sharett had just paid on Mr.Molotov.2 Mr.Molotov expressed the view that Sharett was somewhat passionate in his presentation and wondered how strong a character he was. I said that I felt that he had considerable influence; that probably he was not as strong a man as Ben Gurion (although I did not know the present state of Ben Gurion’s health) and that Sharett represented the more moderate elements who were opposed to a preventive war.

Mr.Molotov said that he could not see any advantage to Israel in a preventive war. I said that I agreed but that there were many people in Israel who felt that they should strike while they still had superior power and not wait until they could be swamped by the superior manpower and armament of the Arab States.

Mr.Molotov said he did not see that the Arab States would want to try to destroy Israel. I said that many, including some of considerable authority, professed that to be their desire. I said that all this was the result of arms shipments being made from the Soviet bloc to Egypt and probably other Arab States. Mr.Molotov said that he was convinced that no aggressive purpose was in the minds of the Arabs and that if they should make an armed attack on Israel, they would be stopped by other nations through the means of the United Nations which afforded protection to Israel.

I said that many of the Arabs seemed now to believe that the Soviet Union would veto any resolution directed against them so that they would get immunity. Mr.Molotov said that the Soviet Union would abide by the principles of the United Nations.3

  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Memoranda of Conversation. Secret; Personal and Private. Drafted by Dulles. The meeting took place at Molotov’s villa. The time was taken from Secretary Dulles’ Appointment Book.Dulles was accompanied by Secretary of Defense Wilson,Merchant,Bohlen,Phleger, and Bowie. (Princeton University Library, Dulles Papers)
  2. Sharett and Molotov met on October 31; see Document 377.
  3. Dulles transmitted the contents of this memorandum of conversation to Hoover on November 1. (Telegram 387 from Madrid; Department of State, Central Files, 780.00/11–155)