406. Editorial Note

On October 15, the Syrian Government requested that an item entitled “Complaint about threats to the security of Syria and to international peace” be inscribed on the General Assembly’s agenda for the current session. In an explanatory memorandum accompanying the request, Syria pointed to an “unprecedented and unwarranted concentration of Turkish troops” along the Syrian-Turkish border, violations of Syrian air space, armed raids originating from Turkish territory, and efforts to overthrow the Syrian Government. Among other points, Syria called for a commission to examine the border area and report to the General Assembly. (U.N. document A/3699)

In a letter to the President of the General Assembly dated October 16, Soviet Representative Gromyko noted the possibility that the situation might lead to armed conflict and accused the Turkish General Staff, with the help of United States military advisers, of working out detailed plans for a Turkish attack on Syria immediately after the Turkish elections scheduled for October 27. Gromyko also noted that the Soviet Government could not regard impassively military provocations being planned close to its southern borders. (U.N. document A/3700)