382. Telegram From the Consulate General in Istanbul to the Department of State1

231. From Henderson. 1. Crown Prince Iraq returned Istanbul from Baghdad September 2, participated in conversation that evening with Turk Prime Minister Zorlu, Ambassador Warren and myself. Crown Prince reported he felt there must be some government changes in Jawdat government if resolute attitude to be adopted. He was telegraphing Nuri Said to return Baghdad from London, probably to become Deputy Prime Minister. Tewfik Suedi might be brought into Cabinet as Minister State and Jamali charged with propaganda matters.

2. Crown Prince said that morning he had received reply from King Saud to his message suggesting their early meeting to discuss Syrian situation. Saud’s reply express concern Syrian developments, inferred Nasser to blame and felt that change should be brought about in Syrian Government other than through force of arms. Saud stated Crown Prince visit at this juncture might be misunderstood and should therefore be postponed. Crown Prince expressed intention write again to Saud but Menderes suggested it would be better have no further correspondence with Saud for time being.

3. There was considerable discussion concerning Jordan. Necessity for improvement relations between King Hussein and Crown Prince Iraq and between two countries was stressed, particularly by Menderes. Menderes also urged necessity of early adoption firm attitude by Iraq towards Syria.

4. Later same evening Crown Prince, King Feisal and Chief of Staff Rafiq met Ambassador Warren and Gallman and myself. Hour’s discussion brought forth no new points. However King stated: You may inform your government that I fully agree with assessment which US has made of Syrian situation. You may state that I shall do all that I can to see that Iraqis helpful in finding a solution.

5. Crown Prince expressed concern King Saud’s attitude and General Rafiq stressed necessity of closer cooperation between Iraq and Jordan.

6. Remarks made during these two conversations indicated that King Feisal as well as Crown Prince would shortly return Baghdad.

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Department repeat as desired.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 110.13–HE/9–357. Top Secret; Priority.