254. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1
487. Dhahran’s 106,2 Jidda’s 171.3 You are authorized talk with King Saud along following lines re DAF and emergency requests (Dhahran’s 2854).
Serious events beyond control either government have intervened since September 11 audience between King and Ambassador. We realize King’s desire DAF matter not be put aside, however, and careful and serious study of previous discussions and of basic problems has continued despite USG preoccupation with crisis in Near East.
We appreciate King’s firm stand both within Saudi Arabia and in Arab circles against Communist penetration and in favor cooperation with US in seeking peace in Middle East. We for our part are continuing our world-wide commitments in front line against Communist aggression and have considered DAF proposals in this context. Relatively limited rights enjoyed at Dhahran do not provide normal basis for grant military aid in amount and under conditions requested by King. It is necessary therefore to seek some new basis.
We believe proposals for training may provide this basis. Entire proposal represents unique idea involving substantial contributions by US and tailored to meet long-range needs of Saudi Arabia and King’s desire for conspicuous demonstration value cooperation between Saudi Arabia and US.
To present full scope this proposal to SAG and to provide opportunity exchange views on details, we suggest technical discussions be instituted at an early date covering: (1) air training program; (2) terminal construction or alternative economic projects within $5,000,000 ceiling; (3) expanded Army training program, including SAG request for training Royal Body Guard and Army Officer Service Schools. Information developed such discussions will assist in presenting concrete proposals. Following earlier review Saudi Arabian Armed Forces Development Plan, technical discussions this aspect as originally proposed paragraph 3 Deptel 1585 would not appear to be necessary.
[Page 411]Department suggests technical discussions with members or deputies high military defense council by representatives USAF and MAAG concerning air training program and expanded Army training program. Anticipate that USAF general officer will be available to conduct these discussions. (FYI: He will be thoroughly briefed and in position to undertake discussions with background of recent USAF studies of air training program and decision regarding added Army training. End FYI.) Anticipate discussions could begin latter part of January 1957 and at appropriate point in discussions, senior representative would make reports on progress of technical discussions to King.
Under new regulations USG not in position make firm commitment regarding projects until such projects are defined and appropriations are available. Discussions with qualified US military representatives who know value of training and can show importance to Saudi Arabia of such activity will demonstrate true benefits these proposals to Saudi Arabia.
When technical discussions have been completed and participants have reported to their governments, King might then wish authorize further meeting to consider integration various proposals within an agreed ceiling on expenditures. Agreement could later be extended by exchange of notes, supplemented by project agreements.
(FYI: We are not prepared at this time make any commitment beyond $25,000,000 ceiling USG expenditures for five years mentioned Deptel 158. Moderate increase this ceiling may be possible later. End FYI.)
Meanwhile, we are releasing letters of offer on most readily available items outstanding orders, including anti-aircraft guns and signal, engineer, quartermaster, chemical, medical and transportation items. As soon as emergency list mentioned Contel 285 is received, we will also give prompt attention these items. SAG may wish postpone action on T–33 aircraft until proposed technical discussions which may suggest arrangement by which use such aircraft can be made available as part training program.
We hope foregoing interim suggestions will be taken as first step toward agreement with SAG on basis mutual benefit and complete understanding in accordance practices both countries.6
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 786A.5–MSP/12–756. Secret. Drafted by Newsom and approved and signed by Dulles. Repeated to Dhahran, CINCUSAFE, and London.↩
- Document 247.↩
- Document 248.↩
- See footnote 7, supra.↩
- Document 246.↩
- On January 9, in a letter to Secretary of Defense Wilson, Dulles requested that the Department of Defense reach a determination on how the proposed training program and other “continuing services” were to be funded and that it determine to what extent it might be willing to fund additional programs. (Department of State, NEA/ARP Files: Lot 70 D 148, DAF Renewal 1957 Negotiations) That same day, in a memorandum to Hollister, Dulles requested that ICA designate $5 million in nonmilitary funds for the air terminal or for other economic projects which might fall within the designated ceiling. (Ibid.)↩