141. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Rountree) to the Secretary of State1


  • Emergency Grant Aid to Strengthen the Lebanese Gendarmérie


The Lebanese Government has requested that the U.S. provide certain light arms, transport, and communications equipment to strengthen the Lebanese Gendarmerie. It is estimated that the equipment requested will cost something less than two million dollars. Our Country Team in Beirut strongly supports this request. The strength and morale of the Lebanese Gendarmérie have become vital as developments in Syria make it likely that Syrian, Soviet, and Egyptian agents will increase their subversive activities against the pro-Western Lebanese Government. Indeed, Lebanese leaders appear to consider the danger from internal subversion more immediate than the threat of overt Syrian aggression. I believe that our immediate agreement to supply this equipment and the expeditious shipment [Page 217] thereof would contribute substantially to the effectiveness, morale, and Western orientation of the Lebanese Gendarmérie.

In order that our support of the Lebanese Gendarmérie produce the maximum psychological effect in the Lebanon and the area, it would be useful if we could move ahead promptly on the basis of an assurance from the President that he will make available funds under Section 400(a) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended.2 After obtaining such assurance, we would inform the Lebanese Government of our intentions by sending the attached telegram. We would concurrently initiate the standard procedure with ICA for obtaining Presidential approval under Section 400(a).


That you obtain the President’s assurance that funds up to two million dollars will be made available for strengthening the Lebanese Gendarmérie under authority of Section 400(a) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended; and that, having received the assurance of the President,3 you sign the the attached telegram4 to our Embassy in Beirut.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 783A.5–MSP/9–1257. Secret.
  2. Section 400(a) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, authorized the appropriation of $250 million to the President in special assistance funds. In any fiscal year, $50 million of these funds could be used in accordance with the provisions of Section 401(a). For text of the Act, see 71 Stat. 355.
  3. A marginal notation on the source text in the handwriting of the Secretary of State, referring to the clause “having received the assurance of the President,” reads: “Goodpaster says this can be assumed. JFD”.
  4. Not attached to the source text; for text as sent, see infra.