110. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Turkey1

1665. Department desires you, in manner you deem most effective, give following orally to high-level official of government to which you accredited.

USG has given most serious consideration to various expressions of concern received from officials Baghdad Pact countries in recent days over future Baghdad Pact and repeated hopes US may find it possible adhere.

USG desires reaffirm assurances given by President, Secretary of State, and numerous other US high officials on different occasions of solid US support, not only for northern tier collective security concept but for particular form it has assumed in Pact. US recognizes it had role in encouraging the initiation and supported the development of the Pact. US believes ambitions Soviet Union represent grave threat to area, that Baghdad Pact represents most effective grouping for area defense and that maintenance of sustained and strengthened Pact organization is important to Free World.

American people recognize increasing importance to them and to Free World of Middle East and have in recent years continually widened their commitments in this region. US executive and legislative organs maintaining constant review ME problems to determine best means in light over-all commitments US of contributing to lessening tensions caused by Near East disputes and at same time of strengthening area collective security and supporting firmly declared friends. Such considerations affect thinking in determining appropriate US role in Middle East.

USG aware of problem of assuring public of Pact nations of strong US support in absence actual membership at this time. Delegation of officials from high levels Departments State and Defense to attend Council meeting is immediate public indication US interest. Observers will have this problem firmly in mind and it is hoped statements they make at Tehran may further assist member countries to understand the present position of USG and steps being taken in support of Pact.

Within context present observer relationship USG believes it can help Pact nations through influence it can exert among non-member countries of Europe and area. In so doing, US fully recognizes bold [Page 269] step Pact nations have taken and undesirability appear support those who for variety of motives oppose Pact. However, US also recognizes strength of Pact must rest on maintaining free world influence in other Middle East nations and continually attempting frustrate Soviet penetration by whatever means into these areas. US observers will be prepared discuss this with Pact Council.

In discussions with others, USG makes no secret its firm support. In recent weeks, USG has discussed Pact with France and Saudi Arabia, among others, and will continue, as opportunities arise, to explain and defend it to those skeptical or antagonistic.

With firm desire demonstrate strong support for Pact and Pact nations, USG is:

Sending special observers from Washington high levels USG in Political, military and economic fields to Tehran Council meeting. (Wireless Bulletin contains text press statement released April 6.)2
Authorizing these observers participate actively in discussions of area problems to extent Pact Council wishes.
Participating in counter-subversive and liaison committees currently meeting.
Giving consideration to economic coordination with Pact.
Willingness to consider paying its part as an observer in the expense of the Pact secretariat.
Requesting increases in military assistance to all area Pact countries in FY 1957, and considering means accelerating such assistance when approved by Congress.
Reviewing, in response to Pact countries’ request, Pact military committee planning studies, at highest level by US military authority and increasing our substantive representation in the principal activities of military committee.
Authorizing US representatives in Pact countries to lend such assistance in promoting the Pact as may be appropriate in light US role.

Reports of addressee posts on discussion with Governments in advance of the Tehran meeting will be appreciated.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/4–656. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Newsom; cleared with Secretary Dulles, Gordon Gray, and others; and approved by Rountree who signed for Dulles. Also sent Priority to Baghdad, Karachi, and Tehran; repeated to Cairo, Jidda, Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Rome, Paris, New Delhi, and London.
  2. Department of State Press Release No. 180, printed in Department of State Bulletin, April 16, 1956, p. 637.