771.00/7–2452: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Legation at Tangier
42. Reurtel 26,1 suggest you oppose Ital request for Ital Asst Administrator for Judicial Affairs only so long as Fr do. Do not support Ital Asst Administrator for Judicial Affairs in face of Fr opposition. Although Fr may change mind (urtel 26), Fr Emb Rep had informed Dept Fr would oppose Asst Administrator rank for Ital Judicial Counselor on grounds that, unless one of Ital demands were denied, Italy wld have retrieved her pre-war position, thereby justifying Span request that Spain likewise be restored. Dept had concurred this reasoning. If opposition to Ital Asst Administrator for Judicial Affairs [Page 201] prevails, suggest you support Ital suggestion in Deptel 28,2 i.e., that Judicial Counselor be specifically listed after Asst Administrators with assurance this office reserved candidate Ital nationality.
Re police Dept still feels one force wld be more efficient and questions desirability having Span (urtel 25)3 take over in case of threat to public order. However, since Administrator wld determine when such threat existed and wld have initiative for giving comdr of gendarmes charge of situation it wld appear that sufficient neutral control wld be ensured. Moreover, believed undesirable to place onus for collapse of negots on US by opposing Fr proposal if all others go along. You therefore authorized in ur discretion to vote for Fr proposal re police. Agree municipal police chief shld not have Span deputy.