771.00/7–2452: Telegram

The Diplomatic Agent at Tangier (Vincent) to the Department of State1


25. Fol receipt Deptel 23,2 I have consulted with my Belg, Brit, Ital and French colleagues particularly in regard to point 13 in reftel. I have not consulted again with my Span colleague3 because at our last mtg he made his position clear to me and I mine to him.

The Belg “prefers” solution along line we suggest but his govt is “studying” French police proposal. Brit has instrs from his govt support our posit but he has told me quite frankly that he has informed his govt that insistence on our point of view will surely wreck any chance accord. Ital is of same opinion as Brit. He will abstain shld matter be put to vote but he hopes that we will change our posit.

My French colleague is at great pains explain advantages French proposal. He most anxious avoid having Span in any posit responsibility in “municipal” police particularly with respect to intel-security section which wld be case if there were Span deputy to chief municipal police. Brit and Ital make same point. They do not want Span have access to intel files which contain much material regarding Spans here.

Under French proposal as it has now evolved there wld be neutral chief of municipal police with French dep and English in charge intel. Chief wld be directly responsible to administrator. The gendarmes wld be distinct from police with Span comdr directly responsible to administrator and a French dep. In normal times two forces wld function separately. However, when administrator had reason believe there existed threat public order he wld place comdr of gendarmes in charge of sitn until threat had passed. Under these conditions chief police wld put at disposition of comdr of gendarmérie all police that cld be spared.

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I argued that it would be more in keeping with internal character of zone have neutral chief police in charge during emergencies, and that in a small area such as Tangier it wld be much more efficient and economical have single integrated force. I find agreement with this as theory but others concerned that as practical matter Spans wld never agree having Span comdr gendarmérie under neutral chief police. Pressure from Wash might alter Span posit but I doubt wisdom of such action under circumstances.

French Min also refers to the proximity of Span zone, preponderance of Span here among Eurs, and fact that a system much same as he now proposed worked successfully from 23 to 40 as reasons for deferring to Span posit

At close this morn’s mtg of comite control Port Min came forward with instrs requesting increase of Port in assembly, Port judge on mixed tribunal and Port expert on comite to study judicial reform. French Min stated his opposition. Others took no posit but I feel majority shared his views. As result our prior conversations French Min took occasion support our request for vice pres of assembly by amendment of accord. There was no discussion of police or other problems but it was decided have mtg on July 31 at which it was hoped all members wld have final instrs. Incidentally French and Span indicated their intention withdraw guard troops from here on Dec. 31 even tho agreement had not been reached by that time.

I shld appreciate receiving Dept’s further instrs re organ police in light of sitn outlined above.

  1. This telegram was repeated to London, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, and Rome.
  2. Supra.
  3. Cristobal Del Castillo y Campos.