Editorial Note
In telegram 522 to Mexico City dated October 8, 1952, the Department reported that one or two of its senior representatives would be able to arrive in Mexico City on October 15 for exploratory conversations with Mexican officials to determine whether a basis for an aviation agreement in fact existed. The telegram requested that the Embassy advise the Department if this schedule and general approach would be acceptable to Mexico (611.1294/10–852). In reply, Paul Culbertson, Counselor of the Embassy, telephoned from Mexico City on October 10 that Mexican Foreign Minister Tello had agreed to tentative informal conversations on October 15, noting that both he and Ambassador O’Dwyer were disappointed in the implication that the Ambassador would not be designated to negotiate this agreement with the Foreign Minister. (Memorandum of conversation, dated October 10, 1952, 611.1294/10–1652)