Executive Secretariat Files: NSC 37 Series

Memorandum by the Executive Secretary (Lay) to the National Security Council

top secret

Subject: Photo Reconnaissance of Certain Portions of the China Coast

Reference: Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same subject, dated July 31, 19501

[Page 407]

With respect to the recommendation contained in the enclosure to the reference memorandum on the subject, referred by the President to the National Security Council and the Secretary of the Treasury for consideration as a matter of urgency, the following replies have been received to date:

State: The Secretary of State approves, with comments as contained in the enclosure.2

Defense: The Secretary of Defense approves, with the following comment: “In view of agreement reached between representatives of the Departments of State and Defense and the urgency of initiating action in this matter, I have authorized the Joint Chiefs of Staff to conduct the reconnaissance requested. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have so directed the Commander-in-Chief, Far East.”

NSRB: The Chairman, NSRB, approves.

In view of the above replies and of the urgency of this matter, it is being scheduled for consideration as an item on the agenda of the regularly scheduled Council meeting on Thursday, August 3, 1950.3

James S. Lay, Jr.
  1. See footnote 1 to the memorandum by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense, July 28, p. 395.
  2. The enclosed memorandum from the Secretary of State, not printed, followed the lines of Mr. Acheson’s letter to Mr. Johnson, July 31, p. 402.
  3. A memorandum dictated by Mr. Acheson following the NSC meeting of August 3 contained the following language on this subject:

    “Secretary Johnson said that he accepted the Department’s memorandum and was carrying it out. We might follow this up to be sure that the two Departments understand one another.” (NSC 37 Series)